Heaven Man Earth Tai Chi is dedicated to the propagation of authentic Yang style Taijiquan, with training methods attuned to achieving goals in the health, martial and spiritual aspects of Taijiquan. Our syllabus is drawn from two Yang style lineages making what we consider to be one of the most complete and authentic Yang style transmissions available today!
As the system is taught, students work first through the Huang Sheng Shyan (Huang Xing Xian) system as a direct doorway into the internal. This system is a great method for understanding 'internal skills' via neigong exercises, focusing on developing:
These skills are developed in our Bexleyheath - London Taijiquan classes via:
At a later stage, when proficiency is achieved in the above methods then one graduates to work on the Yang Jian Hao Large Frame method and accompanying exercises. This training is much more demanding, therefore first requires competency in the method mentioned above.
The union of these training methods into one progressive system, under the skilled guidance of Sifu Adam Mizner, produces an extremely deep and complete system of authentic Yang style Taijiquan (HME Lineage). In our experience, this syllabus leads the student from beginner, to entering the true door of the internal and right through to the higher mysteries of Taijiquan...
Discover Taiji is an online teaching course taught by Sifu Adam Mizner delivering the HME Taiji syllabus via weekly videos. A FREE sample video teaching how to perform the first loosening (song gong) exercise can be seen above.
Discover Mind is an online course taught by Sifu Adam Mizner designed to guide you from basic to advanced meditation. An supplementary video on 'How Do I Meditate' can be seen above.
Dissolve Therapy is a hands-on treatment developing the skill of releasing habitual tension held in the mind, body & emotions. Click on the link / image to find out more...
Heaven Man Earth International hosts workshops all across the world! Find out about our upcoming and pre-recorded workshops...
Heaven Man Earth International has over 35 affiliate schools across the world!